Devour Daily
Sardinia is a paradise island offering over a thousand miles of coastline, rugged mountains up to 6,000 feet & a ...
December newsletter
Seasons Greetings Devourees! As December brings to a close not only 2019, the end of the second decade of the “not s...
Hello and welcome to our November Tuesday Supper Club; showcasing the best of what we know, and sharing the best of ...
The Good food Guide 2020
We were pretty surprised & overwhelmed to see our name printed in the Good food guide 2020. It has put us on the ...
Hello and welcome to our second Devour Tuesday Supper Club; "HUNTER GATHER FORAGE"15/10/19 @7pm Our m...
Thanks Phoebe
We came across this great write up and thought it was too good to keep to ourselves.
Read the review
NOTES - ONE17 Design
When ONE17 was first approached to look at a run down industrial building near the 'Summer Wine' town of Holmfirth, w...
By the river SUPPER CLUB
As one of our most loyal Devourees and dare we even say friends, we thought you may be...
Artwork love
It was so lovely to have the array of talented artists at Devour last week for Holmfirth Artweek, I hear they sold lo...
oh those wildflowers
Wildflower meadows are rare habitats...
When you consider that the UK has lost around 98% of its wildflower meadows,...
The Yorkshire Post
Woohoo we got an outstanding 5/5 in every category, we were super pleased with descriptive double page article on how...
The Huddersfield Examiner
A great local article in The Huddersfield Examiner, it's amazing to hear what you envisaged summed up by somebody els...